
RNC chair tests positive for coronavirus

Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel has tested positive for the coronavirus and is recovering at home in Michigan.

“After a member of her family tested positive for COVID-19, the Chairwoman was tested for the virus. On Wednesday afternoon, she got confirmation she was COVID-19 positive,” a spokesperson for the RNC told The Hill on Friday. “She has been at her home in Michigan since last Saturday.” 

President Trump, first lady Melania Trump and senior White House adviser Hope Hicks have all tested positive for the coronavirus, shaking the nation with just over a month to go before the 2020 election.

Others who have been in close contact with the president have tested negative, including his Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, as well as daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner, both senior White House advisers.