
NRA: Biden will destroy Second Amendment if elected

The National Rifle Association (NRA) tweeted Saturday that Democratic nominee Joe Biden will “destroy our Second Amendment” if he is elected president.

The NRA posted three tweets condemning the former vice president’s views on gun reform on Saturday, specifically knocking his support of a mandatory buyback program for assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. 

“If Joe Biden wins, he will destroy our Second Amendment, and America will become unrecognizable,” the NRA posted. 

In a separate tweet, the organization wrote that “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have both voiced support for a government-mandated buyback (code for CONFISCATION) of AR-15s and other commonly-owned semi-automatic rifles.”

The tweet includes an edited video of Biden being interviewed by CNN’s Anderson Cooper, who says, “Gun owners out there say well a Biden administration means they’re gonna come for my guns.”

The video cuts to Biden saying “Bingo. You’re right if you have an assault weapon. The fact of the matter is they should be illegal period.”

The Biden campaign did not immediately return a request for comment. 

Biden’s plan to end gun violence includes a proposed buyback program to collect assault weapons and high-capacity magazines that are already within communities. His plan also calls for banning the manufacturing and sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, requiring a background check for all gun purchases and decreasing the stockpiling of firearms. 

The NRA has supported President Trump in the past, including giving $36 million to back his campaign in 2016. 

Meanwhile, gun control group Brady PAC, which endorsed Biden in March, has raised $100,000 for the Biden campaign, as it aims to hit $250,000.

The NRA’s tweets come after New York state filed a lawsuit against the group that accuses it of violating state laws governing nonprofits and calls for the NRA to be dissolved.

They also follow fatal shootings in the last week at protests in Kenosha, Wis., and Portland, Ore. The gun used in Kenosha was reportedly an AR-15 style rifle.