
Klobuchar celebrates strong NH performance: ‘We have beaten the odds’

CONCORD, N.H. — Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) on Tuesday night celebrated her strong showing in the New Hampshire primary as early results appeared to show her heading to a top-three finish.

“While there are still ballots to count, we have beaten the odds every step of the way,” Klobuchar told the crowd with a big smile on her face at her campaign’s election night party in Concord.

“Because of you, we are taking this campaign to Nevada,” she added.

With 67 percent of the precincts reporting, the Minnesota senator is currently in third place behind Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg. 

The performance marked a remarkable comeback after Klobuchar placed fifth in Iowa last week, though she escaped much of the scrutiny after a disappointing performance by former Vice President Joe Biden and technical glitches dominated the headlines.

“Everyone had counted us out — even a week ago,” Klobuchar remarked, pausing to sarcastically thank “pundits.”  

“I came back, and we delivered,” she added.

Klobuchar used a message of unity in her election night speech, using it as a contrast to President Trump.

“I can promise you this: When I am behind that desk, I will take responsibility instead of passing it on,” Klobuchar said, accusing the president of blaming others “for everything that goes wrong.” 

“I will reach across the aisle and work with Americans in good faith instead of picking fights. I will bring this country together.”

Klobuchar’s supporters sipped on cocktails at the Grappone Conference Center in the state’s capital, occasionally chanting “Amy! Amy!” and “Beat Trump! Beat Trump” over the senator’s celebratory remarks.

Updated at 10:31 p.m.