
Biden campaign calls for answers from Iowa Democrats after delays in caucus results

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign called on the Iowa Democratic Party to provide answers about issues that plagued Monday night’s caucuses across the state after results were delayed.

In an email to party officials obtained by CBS News, the Biden campaign’s general counsel pointed to “considerable flaws” in the caucus system that resulted in both the party’s app for reporting caucus results and a backup phone line to fail Monday evening.

“I write on behalf of the Biden for President Campaign regarding the considerable flaws in tonight’s Iowa Caucus system,” Dana Remus wrote. “The app that was intended to relay Caucus results to the Party failed; the party’s back-up telephonic system likewise has failed.”

“We appreciate that you plan to brief campaigns momentarily on these issues, and we will be participating,” Remus continued. “However, we believe that the campaigns deserve full explanations and relevant information regarding the methods of quality control you are employing, and an opportunity to respond, before any official results are released.”

The Biden campaign’s statement comes as officials across the state have had issues with reporting the results of the caucus to party leadership. Iowa Democratic Party officials say results will be delayed as a paper validation of caucus results is undertaken.

“We found inconsistencies in the reporting of three sets of results,” state party spokeswoman Mandy McClure said in a statement. “In addition to the tech systems being used to tabulate results, we are also using photos of results and a paper trail to validate that all results match and ensure that we have confidence and accuracy in the numbers we report.”