
Democrat who ended her campaign over bullying will help write anti-harassment law in New Jersey

A former New Jersey congressional candidate who ended her campaign last month over concerns of bullying will co-chair a group writing anti-harassment legislation to protect others on the campaign trail.

Democrat Tiffany Kaszuba announced she will work with state Sen. Vin Gopal on the bill, just weeks after accusing the senator and other party officials of failing to protect her, news site reported.

Kaszuba dropped out of the race for New Jersey’s 4th District against GOP incumbent Rep. Chris Smith in December after accusing a political operative, Bill Robinson, of bullying her. 

She said Robinson, a former member of the party’s executive committee, offered to help on her campaign but began excessively calling and texting her. She said he would get angry at her over small disagreements and regularly asked about her whereabouts.

“His behavior became so concerning that several members of the party reached out to me to check on my well-being,” Kaszuba wrote in a statement at the time.

She later learned that Robinson pleaded guilty to stalking in 1996 and took her concerns to Gopal and Monmouth County Democratic Chairman Dave Brown.

Kaszuba accused Gopal and Brown of failing to protect other women who have allegedly spoken up. She also said Brown questioned her mental health given past sexual abuse.

“Brown has begun to sow doubt among members of the party about my character and mental health,” Kaszuba said the statement. “This includes attempts to blame my past experience with sexual assault and mental health for my concern about Mr. Robinson, his behavior, and his history.”

“Gentleman: I implore you to do better,” she concluded in her statement. noted that Robinson has not commented on the allegations against him and has not returned its requests for comment. 

Monmouth County Democrats’ executive board hired an outside investigator to review the incident and decided to discontinue further association with Robinson, according to a statement.

The party will also implement new policies to address discrimination, bullying, retaliatory conduct and harassment, as well as establish a reporting mechanism and background checks. 

Gopal apologized “for the ways in which I could have done better” and announced plans earlier this month to draft an anti-harassment bill designed to protect campaign staff and volunteers.

The bill will reportedly provide oversight on responding to allegations of harassment and misconduct on the campaign trail.

Kaszuba will co-chair a working group designed to help him make the bill “more inclusive and survivor-focused.”

“At a time when it is critical to ensure women are adequately represented in government and the political process, we cannot allow the conditions that silence their voices, discourage their involvement or threaten their physical safety or professional futures to persist,” Kaszuba said in a statement. “I am gratified that my experience has helped to raise awareness about this issue.”