
Nationwide Bloomberg ad blasts Trump’s treatment of military leaders

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg released a new nationwide television advertisement for his presidential campaign on Thursday, blasting President Trump over his reported treatment of military leaders.

The new ad goes after Trump over a report in a new book by The Washington Post’s Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker that details how Trump unloaded on the nation’s top military leaders in a private meeting, calling them “a bunch of dopes and babies.”

“The Pentagon. President Trump arrives for a briefing by top military leaders. Trump explodes. Attacks the war heroes in the room as losers and a bunch of dopes and babies,” the narrator in the ad states. “Many in the room had risked their lives for our country. Soldiers. Heroes, attacked by an arrogant and out of control president. Arrogance, ignorance, chaos. Enough. America needs a steady leader who will honor those who serve.”

Bloomberg is fast approaching the $200 million mark in advertising spending for his presidential campaign, which has focused predominantly on drawing contrasts between himself and Trump on issues such as health care and infrastructure.

The billionaire is not fundraising and so has not qualified for any of the Democratic presidential debates.

However, his ubiquitous advertisements on TV and social media have boosted him in the polls, with the latest CNN survey finding him in fourth place at 9 percent support. The CNN poll also found Bloomberg with a 9-point lead over Trump in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup.

Bloomberg’s massive anti-Trump spending has caught the president’s attention.

This morning, Trump lashed out at Bloomberg over Twitter.

Bloomberg’s campaign manager, Kevin Sheekey, was invited to discuss the new ad this morning on “Fox & Friends,” which the president is known to watch.

“These men and women risk their lives, they keep us and our families safe and protect this country at home and abroad,” Sheekey said. “Trump should be heaping praise about their service and sacrifice, not stripping them of their dignity.”

“Fox & Friends” host Brian Kilmeade pushed back, arguing that Trump had increased funding for Veterans Affairs (VA), bolstered the defense budget, increased military pay and donated his quarterly salary to the VA.

 “Throwing money at a problem is not leadership,” Sheekey fired back.