
Carville backing Bennet’s 2020 White House bid

Veteran Democratic strategist James Carville has formally endorsed Sen. Michael Bennet’s (D) long-shot presidential campaign, saying he thinks that the Colorado senator is the best candidate to face President Trump due to what he calls stark differences between the two men. 

“The best way to beat Donald Trump is to show you’re not him in any way, shape or form,” Carville said in a statement released by the Bennet campaign Monday.

“Sen. Bennet has less in common with Donald Trump than any human being in the United States when it comes to worldview, priorities, and demeanor,” the strategist behind former President Clinton’s 1992 campaign added. “Sen. Bennet is the opposite of Trump and is the best Democrat to take him on.”

Carville also said in his endorsement that Bennet would be the “best” president. Carville had been lauding Bennet publicly for months before his official endorsement on Monday.

Carville predicted that Bennet will “surprise people,” specifically predicting the senator will do well in the New Hampshire primary next month. 

“I think Se. Bennet is uniquely suited for New Hampshire,” Carville said. “It’s a historical fact that people like him do well there.”

Despite the backing of Carville, Bennet has lagged way behind his opponents in the polls.

RealClearPolitics average of polling has Bennet at less than 1 percent in the Granite State, while Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is leading in the state with 21.3 percent support based on the RCP average.

Bennet had 2 percent support based on a survey from Monmouth University Poll released last week of 401 likely Democratic primary votes in New Hampshire.