
Bloomberg: Barr ‘is more concerned with protecting the president than protecting our country from Russia’

Former New York City mayor and Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg said it is “deeply disturbing” that Attorney General William Barr “is more concerned with protecting the president than protecting our country from Russia.” 

Bloomberg called out the attorney general after Barr said Monday’s inspector general report showed the FBI started an “intrusive” examination into President Trump’s 2016 campaign based “on the thinnest of suspicions.”

Barr’s comments followed the release of Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report, which found the FBI was justified in launching an investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia. 

In his remarks Monday, Barr countered Horowitz’s conclusions that the bureau had an “authorized purpose” to start the investigation, saying the FBI had an “insufficient” basis for the probe.

Since his appointment to head the Justice Department, Democrats have accused Barr of prioritizing and defending the president instead of doing what’s best for the country as a whole.

The Justice Department did not immediately return a request for comment.