
Poll: Biden holds 9-point lead over Sanders nationally

The latest weekly Morning Consult poll shows former Vice President Joe Biden up nine points on Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) nationally.

Biden received the support of 30 percent of those surveyed, while Sanders received 21 percent and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) amassed 15 percent. 

No other candidate was in double digits.

In the previous Morning Consult poll, Biden was at 32 percent, Sanders at 20 percent and Warren at 17 percent. 

Warren has cooled off in the polls as of late. In Morning Consult’s Oct. 20 poll, Warren sat in second place behind Biden at 21 percent.

The poll also includes data for voters in early primary and caucus states, which include Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada. That data shows a much closer race, with Biden at 26 percent, Sanders at 23 percent and Warren at 18 percent.

The poll was conducted Nov. 21-24 and consisted of 8,102 interviews with registered voters. The early-state voters poll had a smaller sample size of 372. The national poll had a margin of error of 1 percentage point, while the early state poll had a margin of error of 5 percentage points.