
Sanders to deliver live response to Trump campaign launch

White House hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will livestream a response to President Trump’s official reelection campaign kickoff Tuesday night as he seeks to bolster his standing as a top-tier Democratic contender. 

Sanders has consistently performed near the top of several national and statewide primary polls, but often finds himself behind former Vice President Joe Biden and is facing a spirited challenge from Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) for the progressive mantle in the 2020 cycle.

{mosads}“Recent polling has shown Sen. Sanders solidifying his standing as the candidate in the strongest position to defeat Donald Trump in the general election. Sanders has now led Trump in 25 out of 26 polls since March and data throughout these polls show Sanders with the strongest polling numbers against Trump in key demographics that could swing the national election,” the Sanders campaign said in a press release announcing the Tuesday night response.

The Sanders camp is undertaking a campaign to shrug off speculation that its candidate’s support is slipping, releasing a memo Monday saying Sanders is in the best position to unseat Trump next year. 

Sanders campaign manager Faiz Shakir pointed to a slate of public polls since March that he says shows “Sanders with the strongest base of support among voters who say they have committed to one candidate.” 

Shakir went on to admit that “other competitors have improved their position in the Democratic primary,” a possible reference to Warren, but added that “Sanders has maintained his second-place position in every national poll, and many state polls.”

The Vermont Independent has consistently said he is the best candidate to continue the “political revolution” that his insurgent candidacy started in the 2016 presidential race.