
Sanders warns Dems about impeachment: ‘I worry that works to Trump’s advantage’

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I) warned Democrats on Monday that focusing obsessively on impeaching President Trump could backfire on the party heading into 2020.

Speaking at a CNN town hall event, Sanders said he fully supports the House’s investigations into whether the president obstructed special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

{mosads}But he also said he’s worried that Democrats will abandon the issues that Americans care most about if the party moves to impeach the president.

“If for the next year or year and a half, going right into the heart of the election, all that the Congress is talking about is impeaching Trump, and Trump, Trump, Trump and Mueller, Mueller, Mueller, and we’re not talking about health care, we’re not talking about raising the minimum wage … we’re not talking about combating climate change … and all of the issues that concern ordinary Americans, I worry that works to Trump’s advantage,” Sanders said.

Earlier in the night, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who has called on the House to begin impeachment proceedings, said politics should not be a factor in how the House responds to the Mueller report.

“There is no political inconvenience exception to the United States Constitution,” Warren said. “If any other human being in this country did what’s documented in the Mueller report, they would have been arrested and put in jail. Obstruction of justice is a serious crime in this country. Mueller believed he couldn’t bring an indictment against a sitting president. I think he’s wrong about that but that’s what he believes … this is not about politics, this is about principle.”