
Dem Angie Craig unseats Jason Lewis in Minnesota

Democrat Angie Craig is projected to win Minnesota’s 2nd District, providing a big victory for Democrats in a top suburban swing seat.

Craig, a former health care executive, defeated freshman Rep. Jason Lewis (R-Minn.) in a rematch for the suburban Twin Cities seat that President Trump won by a little over a point in 2016. Lewis beat Craig by just over 2 points two years ago.

Craig will be the first openly LGBTQ person elected to Congress from Minnesota.

Victory Fund, a political action committee aimed at getting LGBTQ candidates elected to office, raised more than $39,000 for her campaign after naming her one of its “game changer” candidates.

It’s a critical win for Democrats targeting moderate suburban districts as they vie for the House majority. Minnesota was one of the largest battlefields this cycle and both parties were eyeing pick-up opportunities.


Like most Democrats, Craig focused on health care and entitlement reform, while Lewis stuck closely to Trump and his agenda and touted his support for the GOP tax law.

Lewis’s time as a conservative talk radio host came under scrutiny after his past controversial comments were unearthed. 

Those included derogatory comments regarding women, including a 2012 remark bemoaning that a woman who takes “a series of lovers” could no longer be called a “slut.”

Lewis said he was paid to be “provocative.”

— Updated Nov. 7, 1:34 a.m.