
GOP super PAC hits Randy Bryce with ad starring his brother

The Republican super PAC aligned with House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) is launching a new ad attacking Democrat Randy Bryce — and it features the candidate’s own brother saying he will vote for the GOP candidate.

The ad spot by the Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) opens with James Bryce, a police officer, talking about rising violence against law enforcement, while also adding that he has been to three officers’ funerals in the last two years.

“FBI statistics show that assaults against law enforcement have gone up in the last three years,” James Bryce says. “From my perspective, this has been motivated in part by cop-hating rhetoric.”


“I don’t think people want to be represented by someone who has shown contempt for those in law enforcement. That’s one of the many reasons why I’m voting for Bryan Steil for Congress.”

James Bryce’s comments are mixed with a few images showing Randy Bryce being arrested, including a mugshot. 

Bryce, a Democratic candidate in Wisconsin who’s running for the seat being vacated by Ryan, weathered a number of negative headlines that included past arrests in the 1990s for driving under the influence of alcohol and marijuana possession, for which he has apologized.

An ironworker and union leader who often goes by the nickname “Ironstache,” Bryce gained widespread attention with a viral campaign announcement video last year. 

The 30-second spot is the second ad from CLF attacking Randy Bryce in the last two days. On Monday, the super PAC announced a $1.5 million ad reservation in the state’s 1st District.

The first ad, released Monday, also hits Bryce over his arrest record.

Bryce will face off against Republican Bryan Steil in November in a race rated “lean Republican” by The Cook Political Report.

Julia Savel, a spokeswoman for Randy Bryce’s campaign, said Tuesday that he has a “deep respect for law enforcement officers, including his brother, even when they have political disagreements.”

“This ad, funded by Paul Ryan and his Washington buddies, shows that Bryan Steil has no solutions for Wisconsin families – so they have to resort to divisive, dirty politics that people are fed up with,” she said.

“Dark money being used in attack ads paid for by Paul Ryan’s Super PAC is about as Washington-style as it gets. Instead of joining Paul Ryan in the gutter, Randy is focused on his plans to help everyone get good healthcare, protect workers’ pensions, and save Social Security.”

James Bryce previously contributed money to Ryan and Steil. The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported earlier this year that the police officer considered running for Ryan’s seat after the Speaker announced his retirement in April.