
Pence takes anti-abortion rhetoric a step further on Dobbs anniversary: ‘You must be pro-adoption’

Former Vice President Mike Pence spoke on Saturday to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s overturn of Roe v. Wade, claiming to truly be “pro-life” in America “you must be pro-adoption.”

Pence gave the speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial for National Celebrate Life Day, the one year anniversary of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision — which overturned a constitutional right to abortion, returning access decisions to the states.

The former vice president and 2024 presidential candidate remarked that he is a devout christian and has made his faith and belief in anti-abortion issues a large part of his political life. He specifically lauded the court’s action last year, encouraging states to continue passing laws to make abortion illegal.

“We will work and we will pray and we will do so as never before to advance the cause of life and the laws of the land in every state in America,” he said on Saturday. “We will support women in crisis pregnancies with resources and support for their care, for the unborn and for the newborn as never before.”

“We will advance the cause of adoption in America, for to be pro-life you must be pro-adoption,” Pence added. “And we will work every day to elect leaders at every level that will stand without apology for the sanctity of human life.”

Pence has called abortion the “winning issue” for Republicans in 2024, despite some political experts blaming the prevalence of the issue on underwhelming results for the GOP in the 2022 midterms.

On Friday, Pence once again backed a national abortion ban after 15-weeks of pregnancy and challenged other GOP presidential candidates to back it as well, calling it a “minimum nationwide standard.”

“This is our cause,” Pence said in the speech Saturday. “I believe the cause of life is the cause of our time.”