
Poll: Republican Blackburn leads Democrat Bredesen by 3 points in Tennessee Senate race

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) is leading her Democratic opponent Phil Bredesen by 3 points in the Tennessee Senate race, according to a new Fox News poll of likely Tennessee voters

Blackburn received 47 percent support compared to Bredesen’s 44 percent in the race to fill the seat of retiring Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), the poll finds. 

The incumbent congresswoman’s lead is within the poll’s margin of error.

{mosads}Thirty-five percent of likely voters told pollsters that their vote in the Senate race will be an expression of support for President Trump, compared to 27 percent who said it will be in opposition to him.

Seventy-six of Trump supporters said they are backing Blackburn while 16 percent are supporting Bredesen, the former governor of Tennessee, according to the poll.

Blackburn is favored among men, whites and white evangelical Christian voters, while Bredesen is preferred by women and voters under age 45. 

Bredesen is up 61 points among non-whites. 

The candidates have similar popularity ratings, with 54 percent reporting a favorable opinion of Bredesen and 51 percent reporting the same for Blackburn.

“Bredesen is within striking distance of Blackburn, which is unusual for a Democrat in Tennessee,” Republican pollster Daron Shaw told Fox News. “But Bredesen is personally popular, with a net favorable rating of +18, and he’s up 13 points among those who are ‘extremely interested’ in the race.  That’s got to cause some anxiety in Blackburn’s camp.”

Fifty-eight percent of Tennessee voters in the Fox poll said they approve of the job Trump is doing compared to 38 percent who reported they do not approve. 

Trump has endorsed Blackburn and knocked Bredesen, tweeting last month, “Marsha Blackburn had a BIG win last night in the Tennessee primary for U.S. Senate. She is an outstanding person & great supporter of mine. Congratulations Marsha, we need you very badly in the Senate to vote for our agenda. Your next opponent will vote against all we are doing!”

The Fox News Poll was conducted Sept. 8 to 11, 2018 with 686 Tennessee likely voters. It has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points. 

Previous polls have found the two in a dead heat, with 48 percent of likely voters supporting Bredesen against 46 percent supporting Blackburn in an NBC News/Marist poll released Thursday.