
Beto O’Rourke nearly even with Ted Cruz in fundraising

Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D) is nearly even with Sen. Ted Cruz (R) in fundraising for their remarkably close Senate race in Texas, which has attracted attention – and donations – from across the country. 

O’Rourke has raised $23.33 million compared to Cruz’s $23.36 million so far, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Recent polls have found the two in a dead heat, with Cruz leading by only between 1 and 4 points, a notably strong performance for a Democrat in a red state.  

The bulk of O’Rourke’s campaign funds have come from tens of thousands of individual contributions, a fact that the campaign has touted as proof of its grassroots appeal. The average donation to the campaign earlier this year was $40, the Center for Responsive Politics notes. 


O’Rourke also does not accept contributions from corporate PACs, joining a multitude of Democratic candidates who have sworn off PAC donations as a form of political corruption.

The Center for Responsive Politics reported in March that 41 percent of O’Rourke’s contributions were small individual contributions of less than $200. Around 58 percent were from large individual contributions.

The biggest donors to O’Rourke have been Democratic and liberal organizations, which donated a total of $1.5 million, and individuals, who have donated $1.5 million, the Center for Responsive politics reported.

Lawyers and lobbyists have contributed $1.2 million while the finance, insurance and real estate industries have contributed $1.2 million. Single-issue sources have donated $1.7 million.

Cruz’s largest campaign donations have come from retirees, who have donated $2.9 million, and the finance, insurance and real estate industries, which have donated a total of $3.5 million, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Cruz has received $1.6 million from the energy and natural resources industry as well. 

O’Rourke reportedly raised more than $10.4 million in the latest quarter, which placed him second among the top fundraisers this election season. Cruz raised $4 million during the same amount of time.