
Blackburn campaign: Anyone who doubts she can win is a ‘plain sexist pig’

Rep. Marsha Blackburn’s Senate campaign is slamming “ego-driven, tired old men” in defending the Tennessee Republican’s ability to win a general election.

“Anyone who thinks Marsha Blackburn can’t win a general election is just a plain sexist pig,” Blackburn campaign spokeswoman Andrea Bozek told The Washington Post.

“She’s the best fundraiser in the country and is beating Phil Bredesen in several polls,” Bozek continued, referring to the likely Democratic nominee in the Senate race.

“We aren’t worried about these ego-driven, tired old men. Marsha has spent her whole life fighting people who told her she wasn’t good enough, and she will do it again.”


In the fourth quarter of 2017, Blackburn outraised her main GOP Senate primary opponent by more than $500,000. Blackburn’s campaign said it raised $2 million in the fourth quarter of last year, which covers fundraising between Oct. 1 and Dec. 31. She ended December with $4.6 million cash on hand. She launched her bid on Oct. 5.

The Blackburn campaign’s defense of her general election chances comes after reports earlier this week that Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) is reconsidering his decision to retire from Congress and may run for his seat again.

Republicans are reportedly concerned that Blackburn, who is the current Republican favorite in Tennessee’s Senate race, would not be able to win the general election.

According to CNN, Corker has talked with a number of Republican senators about the matter.

Corker has clashed with President Trump on multiple occasions in the past, including in October after Trump tweeted the Republican senator had “begged” him for his endorsement and that Trump declined.

On Monday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders refused to comment about the reports that Corker was reconsidering.

“We haven’t had that conversation about Sen. Corker’s plans. As always, I can’t weigh in on the specifics of the potential of a race but I would have to talk to the president before making a comment,” she said.