
Moore: GOP establishment wants Jones to win in Alabama

GOP candidate Roy Moore on Sunday said he is fighting against both the Republican establishment and the Democratic Party, claiming that both groups want his Democratic rival to win in Tuesday’s special Senate election in Alabama.

Moore said in an interview on Breitbart journalist Aaron Klein’s radio show that the Republican establishment wants Democratic candidate Doug Jones to win the election because they think he would be easy to defeat in the next Senate race.


“The Republican establishment actually wants Jones in there because they think they can beat him in two years without a contest,” Moore said.

“Of course, the Democrats want Jones in there for their vote. So I am fighting both the Republican establishment out of Washington as well as the Democratic Party.”

The former judge added that the two-pronged opposition efforts have created “a big problem, moneywise, for us,” pointing to the millions Jones has raised over his campaign.

His remarks about the GOP establishment come after many prominent Republican lawmakers such as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C.)and others called on Moore to “step aside” in the race last month after multiple women accused Moore of pursuing them when they were teenagers and he was in his 30s. Sen. John Cornyn (Texas) also withdrew his endorsement of Moore. 

Despite the mounting pressure, Moore insisted on remaining in the race while denying all allegations of wrongdoing.

His campaign worked to find discrepancies in his accusers’ accounts while Moore continued to blast the mainstream media, Democrats and the GOP establishment for trying to stop him from winning the seat Attorney General Jeff Sessions left when he joined the Justice Department. The seat is currently held by Sen. Luther Strange (R).

President Trump earlier this month endorsed Moore, saying he can help push his agenda forward in an upper chamber that is narrowly controlled by Republicans.

The public boost of support from the nation’s leader led key groups like the Republican National Committee to reinstate their financial support of the candidate.

His remarks on Klein’s radio show come just days before the highly-anticipated contest between Moore and Jones is set to come to a head on Dec. 12.

Stephen Bannon, the head of Breitbart News, reportedly plans to campaign for Moore in the final days of the race.

– This report has been updated.