
Stein defends recount push after Trump criticism

Green Party candidate Jill Stein on Saturday defended her push for a recount in several states after President-elect Donald Trump slammed the effort.

“The point to drive home here is that having a secure elections process benefits us all,” Stein said during an appearance on CNN’s “Newsroom.”

{mosads}Stein also defended the effort on social media, suggesting openness to looking at a recount in other states beyond Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Stein announced on Wednesday that she would push for a recall in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan if she raised enough money. On Friday, she indicated she reached the fundraising amount needed for a recount.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign announced on Saturday that it would participate in the Wisconsin recount. The campaign plans to also participate in Pennsylvania and Michigan recounts, should Stein follow through.

Trump lashed out at the push for a recount in a statement on Saturday afternoon, blasting it as a “scam” while going after Stein, though not mentioning Clinton by name.

The Obama administration has defended the integrity of the election amid the push for a recount in several states. In a statement Friday, U.S. officials called the election “free and fair from a cybersecurity perspective.”

While defending the recount effort on Saturday, Stein also voiced criticism about others not pushing to reexamine the results of the election weeks after Clinton conceded to Trump.

Stein indicated Saturday she welcomed others joining her recount effort.

“I invited everyone. I invite Donald Trump’s campaign, Hillary’s campaign. We’ve had calls out to Gary Johnson’s campaign,” she said on CNN.

“This should be a non-partisan, people-powered effort to ensure that we can rely on the integrity and security of our votes.”