
Clinton scores Ferraro endorsement

Geraldine Ferraro, the first woman ever to appear on a major party’s presidential ticket, lent her support to the campaign of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) Tuesday.

“By electing Hillary Clinton, we can smash the ultimate glass ceiling once and for all,” said Ferraro, the Democrats’ 1984 choice for vice president. “And in doing so, we will be electing the most qualified and experienced candidate for president.”

The campaign said Monday that Ferraro changed “the role of gender in politics,” and Clinton noted that Ferraro was crucial in making it possible for her now to be a frontrunner of a major party.

“No one has done more to pave the way for women running for office than Geraldine Ferraro,” the senator said. “She has been an inspiring leader, and I’m honored to have her support.”

The Clinton camp has sought and received the endorsements of key women’s groups, including EMILY’s List and the National Organization of Women. Ferraro’s support is the latest proof that Clinton has success in trying to reach out to this powerful constituency.

“Those of us who have worked for women’s equality all our lives will watch with great satisfaction when Hillary Clinton stands tall on a chilly January afternoon and is sworn in as the first woman president,” said Ferraro.