Campaign Polls

Poll: Warren, Sanders tied for second behind Biden among Florida voters

Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) are tied for second place in the Democratic nomination race behind Joe Biden in a poll of Florida voters released Wednesday.

Both progressive lawmakers receive the support of 12 percent of likely Democratic primary voters in the Sunshine State, 27 points behind the former vice president in the survey from Florida Atlantic University’s (FAU) Business and Economic Polling Initiative.

{mosads}South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg, at 9 percent, and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), at 7 percent, round out to the top five Democratic hopefuls among Florida voters.

“Even though Joe Biden has a substantial lead among the Democrats, with almost 10 months to go before the Florida Democratic presidential primary, there is still plenty of time for the other candidates to make up ground,” Monica Escaleras, director of the initiative, said in a statement.

FAU surveyed 403 likely Democratic primary voters between May 16-19. The margin of error for the survey is 4.9 points.

Wednesday’s poll could signal a promising development for Warren. In four previous polls of Florida Democrats compiled by 538, she had not broken 6 percent support.

Sanders has consistently placed second in national and state polls, but several recent surveys show Warren gaining on her Senate colleague.