Campaign Polls

Poll: Scott holds narrow lead over Nelson in Florida Senate race

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) has a narrow lead in his bid to unseat Sen. Bill Nelson (D) in the state’s U.S. Senate race, according to a poll released Tuesday.

A Florida Atlantic University (FAU) poll found that 42 percent of likely Florida voters back Scott, who is running for Senate after two terms as Florida governor. Forty percent of those surveyed support Nelson, who is seeking a fourth term.

The 2-point difference falls within the poll’s margin of error, which is 3.6 percentage points.

Likely male voters favor Nelson, 51 percent to 48 percent. That number is nearly flipped among women, where 51 percent support Scott and 49 percent back Nelson, according to the poll.

The governor is also aided by a more favorable approving rating, the poll found. Forty-three percent approve of the job Scott is doing as governor, compared to 36 percent who gave Nelson positive marks as senator.

Tuesday’s poll surveyed 704 likely Florida voters from Oct. 18-21.

The last FAU poll in September showed Scott with a lead of less than one percentage point.

The FAU poll contrasts with recent polls, which are showing Nelson leading in a tight race. A RealClearPolitics average of polls in the race shows the incumbent with a 3.3 percentage point lead.

The Cook Political Report, a nonpartisan election forecaster, rated the race as a “toss-up.”