
Harris facilitates coin toss at Howard University football game

Vice President Harris on Saturday made a special appearance at a football game between her alma mater, Howard University, and Hampton University to do a coin toss.

The match-up between the two historically Black universities, the Truth and Service Classic, was held at noon on Saturday at Audi Field in Washington, D.C. Before the start of the game, Harris did a coin toss to determine which team would start off first.

Howard won the toss after the coin landed on heads, and Howard decided to defer to Hampton to start the game.

Symone Sanders, a spokeswoman for Harris, tweeted a photo after the toss of the gold and blue coin that had the words “Kamala D. Harris” and “49th Vice President of the United States” printed on it.

Earlier this year, Howard celebrated the inauguration of its former student, who studied political science and economics as an undergrad at the university. With her inauguration, Harris became the first Black and South Asian woman to be vice president of the United States. 

She is also the first graduate of a Historically Black College or University to be on the presidential ticket of a major party as a running mate.

“She was singularly gifted at debate and had a hunger for knowledge and information. She combined her personal attributes and strength of character with a Howard education to forge a life dedicated to societal, not personal, advancement,” Howard President Wayne A. I. Frederick said in a statement in January. “Due to her exceptional qualities, the higher she managed to climb, the more good she was capable of bestowing on her community and country.

“No longer does anyone have the right to tell Black boys and girls to set their sights lower, to dream smaller, to be more realistic,” he later added. “We need only point to Kamala Harris when telling our children that anything they can imagine, they can achieve.”