
McEnany demands Twitter ‘fact check’ widely shared clip of her saying Obama ‘promised a vaccine’

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany asked Twitter to fact-check a misleading video circulating on the social media network in which she argued the Trump administration is facilitating a coronavirus vaccine more effectively than the Obama administration did during the swine flu.

“This is a blatant LIE,” McEnany responded to a tweet that mischaracterized statements she made on Fox News. 

McEnany said the Obama administration “promised a vaccine” during the swine flu epidemic but did not deliver one as quickly as the current administration is moving on a COVID-19 vaccine. 

Some accounts shared a shortened clip that made it appear as though McEnany was pushing responsibility for a vaccine to tackle the current pandemic on the Obama administration. 

“WATCH full clip where I clearly mention Swine Flu & the failed Obama/Biden response,” McEnany tweeted. “Will @Twitter fact check??”

Social media sites generally put warning labels on tweets that could lead to physical harm or illegal activity. Twitter has flagged several tweets from President Trump, particularly those where he mischaracterized information about mail-in voting or the coronavirus pandemic. 

On Thursday Twitter put a label on tweets where the president encouraged people to visit their polling places in-person after they’ve voted. The tweet violated Twitter guidelines, “specifically for encouraging people to potentially vote twice.”