
Pat Robertson condemns Trump over ‘law and order’ response to protests

Christian Broadcast Network founder Pat Robertson on Wednesday condemned President Trump’s “law and order” response to nationwide unrest following the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who died in Minneapolis police custody. 

“You just don’t do that, Mr. President,” Robertson said on “The 700 Club” on Tuesday, referring to Trump’s threat to invoke military troops to U.S. cities are facing protest.

“It isn’t cool,” he added. 

Robertson, who has been a staunch ally of Trump, also spoke out about racism, saying “we are one” and “God made us all” while pressing the president to offer comfort.

“It seems like now is the time to say, ‘I understand your pain, I want to comfort you, I think it’s time we love each other,'” Robertson said. “But the president took a different course. He said, ‘I am the president of law and order,’ and he issued a heads-up.”

Robertson has not always agreed with moves made by Trump, saying last year that he was “appalled” by the president’s decision to remove U.S. troops from the border of northeastern Syria.

This week CNN reported that the Trump campaign is becoming worried about where it stands with evangelical voters, who make up a significant portion of the Republican electorate.

This comes after Trump received criticism for using tear gas and flash bangs to disperse peaceful protesters in front of the White House prior to curfew so he could take a photo in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church.