
Trump camp outraged over Jezebel article calling for Stephen Miller to get coronavirus

Allies of the president are steaming Monday night after an article in the left-leaning Jezebel magazine called for White House adviser Stephen Miller to contract and die from the coronavirus.

Jezebel writer Molly Osberg wrote in a column Friday evening titled “I Will Personally Be Thrilled If Stephen Miller Dies of Covid-19” that she would he happy if Miller died from the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.

“While I am generally loathe to wish physical harm on those I disagree with, and while I do wish Katie a speedy recovery, I’m comfortable shedding whatever objectivity I have here to say I desperately hope Stephen Miller contracts covid-19,” Osberg wrote.

“This is the man who has spent his entire life pursuing the idea that America’s diversity is a disease; who laundered white nationalist talking points first through right-wing blogs and then wrote them into the now-President’s campaign speeches,” she added.

Trump War Room, a Twitter account run by the Trump campaign, fired back on Monday after the article was covered on a number of blogs, including Mediaite and The Daily Caller, writing that Osberg’s stance was “how many members of the media feel about Trump supporters.”

Donald Trump Jr., the president’s eldest son, chimed in, claiming members of the media would say Osberg was being anti-Semitic were she an employee of Fox News making similar comments about “a Jewish Dem staffer,” referring to Miller’s Jewish ancestry.

“It’s always nice when the Left shows their true colors so we don’t even have to lift a finger to expose them,” Trump Jr. added.

Linking directly to the article, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) added that the column was “sick and twisted” in his own tweet.

“This is sick and twisted. Political disagreements are fine, but—especially in a time of crisis—we need more love in the world and less hate,” he tweeted.