
Nikki Haley says Trump needs to ‘let his experts speak’ at coronavirus briefings

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said President Trump should “let his experts speak” at the daily White House coronavirus task force press briefings.

“I think the president is good to show up everyday and let people know he’s on it, but I also think he needs to let his experts speak,” Haley said Friday on “Fox & Friends.”

Deborah Birx, the coordinator of the White House’s coronavirus response, and Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert, are often present at the briefings, along with other administration officials.

However, the briefings have often consisted of heated exchanges between the president and the press.

“Let them talk about it. … I don’t think they need to be too long, I don’t think he needs to answer everything, but I do think we need to hold his members of the task force accountable,” said Haley, who stepped down as U.N. ambassador in December 2018.

She also called for an investigation into the World Health Organization (WHO), arguing it was slow to respond to the emerging pandemic.

“The American people have every right to ask the WHO questions,” Haley said.

The Trump administration has come under scrutiny after several media reports saying military and intelligence officials were warned about the health and economic consequences of the coronavirus months before significant action was taken.