
Trump lashes out over reports internal polling shows him trailing Biden

President Trump on Wednesday blasted “fake news” and “fake polling” following reports that internal polling showed him trailing former Vice President Joe Biden in a hypothetical 2020 matchup.

The president claimed that reports that polling within his campaign showed him trailing are untrue and said he has “the best numbers WE have ever had.”

{mosads}A Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday afternoon showed Trump trailing six prospective Democratic presidential candidates nationally by healthy margins.

“The Fake News has never been more dishonest than it is today. Thank goodness we can fight back on Social Media. There new weapon of choice is Fake Polling, sometimes referred to as Suppression Polls (they suppress the numbers),” Trump tweeted.

“The Fake (Corrupt) News Media said they had a leak into polling done by my campaign which, by the way and despite the phony and never ending Witch Hunt, are the best numbers WE have ever had,” he added. “They reported Fake numbers that they made up & don’t even exist. WE WILL WIN AGAIN!” 


The president offered a similar criticism on Tuesday when asked about a New York Times report that he instructed his aides to deny internal polling that shows him trailing Biden in key states.

“My poll numbers are great,” he said, describing surveys that have him performing poorly in toss-up states as “fake polls.”

Trump often refers to polls during the 2016 campaign that showed him trailing Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton when speaking to supporters at rallies in 2019.

The president on Tuesday morning touted that his official kickoff rally next week in Orlando, Fla., for his 2020 reelection bid had already received tens of thousands of ticket requests beyond the venue’s capacity.