
Ivanka Trump: ‘No equivalency’ with Hillary Clinton’s private email use

Ivanka Trump in a new interview said there is “no equivalency” between her use of a private email account for government emails in 2017 and Hillary Clinton‘s use of a private email server while working as secretary of State.

“All of my emails are stored and preserved. There were no deletions. There is no attempt to hide. There’s no equivalency to what my father’s spoken about,” Trump told ABC News.

{mosads}Trump in 2017 used her private account to send hundreds of emails about official business to administration aides, members of the Cabinet and her personal assistants, The Washington Post reported earlier this month.

Trump has faced heightened criticism over the news, given President Trump’s attacks against Clinton over her use of a private email server as secretary of State. The president has repeatedly suggested that Clinton should be jailed for doing so.

Ivanka Trump told ABC News, however, that “there is no restriction of using personal email.”

“In fact, we’re instructed that if we receive an email to our personal account that could relate to government work, you simply just forward it to your government account so it can be archived,” she added.

President Trump has defended his daughter and adviser since the story first broke, telling reporters last month that it was “fake news” to draw parallels between her use of a private email and Clinton’s.

“She wasn’t doing anything to hide her emails,” the president said. “There was no deleting like Hillary Clinton did. There was no server in the basement like Hillary Clinton had. You were talking about a whole different — you’re talking about fake news.”