
Trump: Murkowski’s vote on Kavanaugh was ‘really unacceptable’

President Trump called Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s (R-Alaska) “present” vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court “really unacceptable.”

“I think she will never recover from this. I think the people from Alaska will never forgive her for what she did.” Trump said in a brief phone interview with The Washington Post shortly before Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court by a 50-48 margin. 

{mosads}Murkowski initially stated she would vote “no” on Kavanaugh, citing “matters of temperament” and “demeanor.” She initially cast a “no” vote, but asked that vote to be withdrawn as a courtesy to Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.), who missed the vote to attend his daughter’s wedding.

The practice is known as a “pair between senators” and keeps the margin at that which would have resulted if Daines had been present to vote to confirm Kavanaugh.

Trump predicted Murkowski’s stance on Kavanaugh would result in a tough primary challenge when she runs for reelection in 2022.

“She doesn’t run for four years,” he said. “She’s lucky.”

Asked about former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s (R) tweet in which she said “I can see 2022 from my house…” and if she could pose a primary threat, Trump responded, “I don’t know anything about that. It’s four years. That’s a long time. But they will not forget. They will never forget. What she did was unacceptable. Really unacceptable.” 

Trump also heaped praise on Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), who outlined in a roughly 45-minute speech Friday her reasoning for supporting Kavanaugh.

“I think what Susan Collins did for herself was incredibly positive,” the president said. “It showed her to be an honorable, incredible woman. I think she’s got a level of respect that’s unbelievable. I really mean it.”

“I think Collins is so popular right now for what she did,” he added.

Trump wasn’t the only member of his family to comment on an individual senator’s vote.

Donald Trump Jr. slammed Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-W.Va.) “yes” vote on Kavanaugh, tweeting Friday, “A real profile in courage from Lyin’ liberal @JoeManchinWV. Waited until Kavanugh had enough votes secured before he announced his support. I bet he had another press release ready to go if Collins went the other way.”

Manchin announced his intention to support Kavanaugh after Collins announced the same Friday.

Fox News’s John Roberts commented on the tweet, tweeting that “.@WhiteHouse sources tell @FoxNews Manchin called this morning to inform them he was a ‘yes’ on Kavanaugh.  That was long before Collins announced her intentions.”