
Trump ‘baby blimp’ flies over London during visit protest

The blimp depicting President Trump as a baby is flying over the Parliament building on Friday as Trump visits the United Kingdom.

The 20-foot inflatable diaper-clad baby holding a cell phone is being guarded by 16 people in yellow vests who identified themselves as “babysitters” to the Associated Press

Organizers got the approval from London city officials last week to fly the “Trump baby” over the city during a massive protest scheduled at the same time.


A fundraising campaign raised more 20,000 U.K. pounds or $26,400, the AP reported.

Kevin Smith is one of the 16 people behind the balloon protest.

“This is what people need to be doing — to come together in their communities to organize and work out how to stand against right wing populism and xenophobia that we’re seeing not just in the U.S. but in Europe,” Smith said.

The organizers are also hoping to follow Trump to Scotland and display the blimp as Trump plays at his Turnberry golf course.

The president’s schedule will keep him in more rural areas to potentially avoid the large-scale protests planned in London. However, residents in the countryside are still coming up with ways to protest the president’s presence. 

One group created a crop circle with the phrase “F—- Trump” written in Russian along his helicopter path during his visit in Chequers. 

The 2004 Green Day hit song “American Idiot” has also climbed to the top of the U.K.’s music charts ahead of Trump’s visit, egged on in part by a social media campaign meant to protest Trump.