
Poll: Trump’s approval rating falls back to 41 percent

President Trump’s approval rating in Gallup polling has sunk to 41 percent, down from his personal best of 45 percent approval just a week ago.

A Gallup survey released on Monday found that Trump’s job approval rating fell this week after a peak likely boosted from the historic June 12 summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore.

The 41 percent approval rating is slightly higher than his term-to-date average presidential approval rating of 39 percent. 

The drop comes after a week of national outrage over his administration’s zero tolerance immigration policy that aggressively prosecutes anyone who illegally crosses the southern border.


More than 2,000 migrant children were separated from their parents while the adults await criminal proceedings, leading to bipartisan and global backlash.

Trump gave in to bipartisan pressure last week by signing an executive order to end the practice of family separations.

His approval ratings fell across all political parties, Gallup found.

Republicans rated Trump’s performance at 90 percent during the prior two weeks, but that has since fallen to 87 percent.

Democrats are rating the president’s job approval at 5 percent this week — the lowest rating he has received from the group — down from 10 percent the week before.

This is the fifth time Democrats have given him such a poor rating, including one week in December and three weeks in January.

The poll also found that Independents dipped their support from 42 percent to 38 percent this week.

Gallup’s weekly presidential approval rating polls are conducted among 1,506 adults across the country, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.