
Cindy McCain chides White House aide who mocked husband’s cancer

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nation Agencies in Rome Cindy McCain and the late former Senator John McCain in 2017.

Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) wife, Cindy, on Thursday chided a White House official who mocked her husband’s cancer diagnosis.

Cindy McCain responded to White House special assistant Kelly Sadler, who said the senator’s opposition to President Trump’s CIA nominee did not matter because “he’s dying anyway.”

“@kellysadler45 May I remind you my husband has a family, 7 children and 5 grandchildren,” McCain wrote.

The Hill first reported Sadler’s comment, made during a internal meeting on Thursday morning for communications staffers.

The White House did not deny Sadler made the remark, saying in a statement, “We respect Sen. McCain’s service to our nation, and he and his family are in our prayers during this difficult time.”

Sadler did not respond to The Hill’s request for comment, and the White House did not make her available for comment. A source later told The Hill that Sadler called the senator’s daughter Meghan McCain to apologize.

Updated at 9:06 p.m.