
Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they’ll impeach me

President Trump said Saturday that Republicans need to maintain the House majority, otherwise he could face impeachment from Democrats.

“We have to keep the House because if we listen to Maxine Waters, she’s going around saying ‘We will impeach him,’ ” Trump said at a Michigan rally.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) often calls for Trump to resign or face impeachment.


Last week at the Time 100 gala in New York, Waters urged Trump to “please resign.”

“So that I won’t have to keep up this fight of your having to be impeached because I don’t think you deserve to be there,” Waters said. “Just get out.”

However, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has warned against Democratic efforts to impeach Trump, saying it would end up harming the party before the midterm elections.

“On the political side I think it’s a gift to the Republicans,” Pelosi said Thursday. “We want to talk about what they’re doing to undermine working families in our country and what we are doing to increase their payrolls and lower their costs.”

A Quinnipiac poll released on Thursday shows that if Democrats win control of the House, more than 70 percent of their supporters want them to begin impeachment proceedings.