
Teacher who sheltered students during shooting opposes guns in classroom

A teacher who worked at the school in Florida where a recent shooting occurred said Sunday she does not support President Trump’s proposal to arm teachers.

During an interview on ABC’s “This Week,” Ashley Kurth said she has no problem with people having weapons in their homes.

But she said she worried what could happen if there were guns in the classroom.

{mosads}“These are kids that have passions, very raging passions, and when they get into fights or arguments, having something like this in their vicinity is just not a good idea,” she said.

She added that she has a 7-year-old and doesn’t think he should be in a classroom with a weapon.

“I would not feel comfortable with him going into a classroom knowing that there could be a potential weapon in there, whether it’s loaded or not,” she said.

During the school shooting earlier this month that left 17 people dead, Kurth sheltered 65 students in her classroom.

Following the shooting, Trump has called for teachers to be armed in schools. 

The president floated the idea of arming teachers during a “listening session” in the White House last week with survivors of the Florida shooting. 

In an interview with Fox News on Saturday night, Trump said “gun-free” zones only serve to help attackers.

“If they go into a school, a gun-free zone is like target practice for these guys. They see that and that’s what they want. Gun-free zones are very dangerous. The bad guys love gun-free zones,” he said.