
Trump warns against EU’s ‘unfair’ trade policies

President Trump in a new interview on Sunday hinted at possible retaliatory moves over what he called the European Union’s (EU) “very unfair” trade policies.

“I’ve had a lot of problems with European Union, and it may morph into something very big from that standpoint, from a trade standpoint,” Trump said in an interview aired on ITV, according to Reuters.


”We cannot get our product in. It’s very, very tough. And yet they send their product to us — no taxes, very little taxes. It’s very unfair.”

Trump over the summer slammed the EU as “very protectionist.” He also said in the same tweet that he was working on a “major” trade deal with the United Kingdom, which voted to leave the EU in 2016.

“They’re not the only one, by the way. I could name many countries and places that do. But the European Union has been very, very unfair to the United States. And I think it will turn out to be very much to their detriment,” Trump said on Sunday.

The president has frequently accused other countries of putting the U.S. at a trade disadvantage. He announced last year he would withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a multilateral trade agreement with Pacific Rim countries, and has threatened to do the same with the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Trump suggested last week that he would consider re-entering TPP if a “substantially better deal” were made.