
Trump left former aide behind at McDonald’s after staffer’s order took too long: book

President Trump once left campaign aide Sam Nunberg at a McDonald’s because his order took too long, according to a new book about the Trump campaign obtained by The Washington Post.

The book, “Let Trump Be Trump,” is co-authored by former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and deputy campaign manager David Bossie. In it, the two detail a time Trump ordered Nunberg to be left behind at the fast food restaurant because Nunberg’s custom burger was taking too long.


“Leave him,” Trump reportedly said. “Let’s go.”

Trump was a voracious consumer of fast food during the campaign, according to the book, with restaurants such as McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken topping the president’s list.

“On Trump Force One there were four major food groups: McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken, pizza and Diet Coke,” the authors write in the book, according to the Post.

The president told a taping of the “Dr. Oz” show in September 2016 that he enjoys fast food because “at least you know what they are putting in it.”

Trump once tweeted in 2012: “I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke.”

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) also commented on Trump’s love of fast food earlier this year in his book, “Understanding Trump.”

“Any time a meal was served when I flew with candidate Trump aboard his nicely outfitted 757, it was invariably McDonald’s, Wendy’s, or a similar fast food,” Gingrich wrote.

“It was a very practical reminder that in his heart Trump was raised as a middle-class guy from Queens, not a Manhattan socialite,” he added.