
Trump says he will consider sending NYC terror suspect to Gitmo

President Trump said Wednesday he would “certainly consider” sending the suspect in Tuesday’s attack in New York City to the U.S. military prison in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

“I would certainly consider that, yes,” Trump said when asked by a reporter at the White House. “Send him to Gitmo.”


Sayfullo Saipov is accused of killing eight people and injuring nearly a dozen others when he drove a truck through a bike path in lower Manhattan.

The 29-year-old Uzbek national entered the U.S. in 2010.

GOP Sens. Lindsey Graham (S.C.) and John McCain (Ariz.) have both urged Trump to treat Saipov as an enemy combatant. He is in police custody but has not been charged. 

Trump vowed during the 2016 campaign to refill the controversial military prison with “bad dudes.”

Former President Obama worked to empty the prison during his eight years in office. There were 41 detainees left in the facility by the time he left office, down from 242 captives at the time of his inauguration.

Trump has also called for stricter immigration policies following the attack, saying on Twitter he would be ramping up “extreme vetting.”