
Trump: Why aren’t ‘beleaguered AG,’ investigators looking at Hillary Clinton?

President Trump on Monday asked why federal investigators and “beleaguered” Attorney General Jeff Sessions are not investigating Hillary Clinton for her “crimes” as well as ties to Russia.

“So why aren’t the Committees and investigators, and of course our beleaguered [attorney general], looking into Crooked Hillarys crimes & Russia relations?” Trump asked in a tweet.

Just a few hours before, the president had also quoted Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), in which he said the Democratic Party should blame itself for losing the presidential election, not Russian interference.

{mosads}”After [one] year of investigation with zero evidence being found, Chuck Schumer just stated that ‘Democrats should blame ourselves, not Russia,'” Trump also tweeted.

His remarks come amid both congressional and federal probes that are looking into whether Trump campaign aides colluded with the Russians to sway the presidential election in favor of Trump.

Trump also targeted members of his own party a day before for not supporting him during the multiple investigations.

“It’s very sad that Republicans, even some that were carried over the line on my back, do very little to protect their President,” Trump said in one tweet on Sunday.

“As the phony Russian Witch Hunt continues, two groups are laughing at this excuse for a lost election taking hold, Democrats and Russians!” he added.

His tweets come after revelations that his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., had an undisclosed meeting with a Russian lawyer during the presidential campaign after an associate promised that he would receive compromising information about his father’s Democratic opponent.