
Coulter bashes Trump on border wall progress

Conservative author and commentator Ann Coulter criticized President Trump in a series of tweets Friday over what she said is the lack of progress on the border wall.

Coulter used Trump’s Friday speech in Miami rolling back Obama rules opening up the U.S. economic relationship with Cuba to criticize the president for not being focused on the United States.

“I thought with Trump we’d finally have a president helping OUR country. So far: Syria, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Italy, China, N Kor. Today: Cuba,” she tweeted.

“At least Cuba’s in our hemisphere,” she Tweeted. “How long can it be before he gets to America?”

An early supporter of Trump in the 2016 presidential race, Coulter compared her loyalty to Trump to the way the “people of North Korea worship their Dear Leader — blind loyalty.”

In another Tweet on Friday, Coulter said “Anyone in a Southwestern state who strolls to the border & drops a brick will have done more to build the wall than [Trump].”

Coulter cited Trump’s calls for the construction of a border wall and immigration restrictions as a major bastion of her support for then Republican nominee Trump.

Despite her early and ardent support for Trump in the 2016 campaign, Coulter has at times signaled her frustrations with his presidency.

In May, Coulter told the Daily Caller that “I’m not very happy with what has happened so far.”