
Trump blocks veterans group on Twitter

President Trump appears to have blocked a veterans group that has been critical of his time in office on Twitter. 

“The Commander in Chief can block @VoteVets, the voice of 500k military veterans and families, but we will NOT be silenced,” wrote on Twitter, including a screenshot that shows Trump had blocked the organization’s account. 

The group has in the past criticized the president over his budget proposal, Republican attempts to repeal and replace ObamaCare and the president’s executive order temporarily barring individuals from certain predominantly Muslim nations from entering the United States.

{mosads}In one television advertisement aired during MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” in early February, VoteVets spoke directly to Trump, telling him to start acting like “a legitimate president.”

“Look, you lost the popular vote … You’re having trouble drawing a crowd …  And your approval rating keeps sinking …” a veteran of the war in Afghanistan says in the ad. 

“But kicking thousands of my fellow veterans off their health insurance by killing the Affordable Care Act, and banning Muslims won’t help …  And that’s not the America I sacrificed for … . You want to be a legitimate president, sir? Then act like one.” 

VoteVets is a progressive veterans group founded in 2006 that focuses on providing voices to veterans on issues ranging from foreign police to LGBTQ rights.

In an email Tuesday morning, it asked for $3 donations to continue its fight against Trump’s “dangerous agenda.”

“Here’s the truth, Trump can block VoteVets on Twitter, the voice of 500,000 progressive veterans, military family members, and their civilian supporters, but we will NOT be silenced. Stand with us today,” the email, which included a donation link, said.

–This report was updated at 12:08 p.m.