
Trump’s DHS nominee: No need for full border wall

President Trump’s nominee to lead the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said Wednesday she doesn’t believe a full-length wall is required to secure the United States-Mexico border.

“The president has stated, as have my predecessors at DHS, certainly something that I share: there is no need for a wall from sea to shining sea,” Kirstjen Nielsen said during her confirmation hearing before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

Nielsen said she would look to work with local and federal officials to understand where a physical barrier is needed and where other tools will suffice. 


“Technology plays a key part, and we can’t forget it,” she said. “There’s a lot that we can do with technology to secure our borders.” 

“In a much more cost effective way too, I might add,” Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) responded.

The construction of a wall along the southern border was one of Trump’s trademark campaign promises. He has since threatened to shutdown the government to ensure the wall receives funding, and shared photos of prototypes for the wall. 

Trump last month nominated Nielsen, who served as an aide to White House chief of staff John Kelly during his stint leading DHS earlier this year.

Kelly said in a February interview that the wall could be transparent and rely on surveillance technology in some areas.