GOP pollster: Trump is right to call out Koch network

Republican pollster Brett Loyd defended President Trump’s recent tweet slamming GOP mega-donors Charles and David Koch’s political network on Wednesday, saying the donors were “sour” about their overseas investments. 

“They’re on one hand saying the president isn’t conservative enough, while on the other hand actively helping the Democrats win elections. I just think the whole group’s in disarray right now,” Loyd, who is the president of the Polling Company, told Hill.TV’s Joe Concha on “What America’s Thinking.”
“They really don’t have a firm foundation of what they’re standing on, and I think the president is absolutely right to call them out if they’re going to be sour about some of their investments overseas,” he said. 
Loyd’s comments come after the president hit David and Charles Koch in a tweet on Wednesday after their political network, Americans for Prosperity, said it would not support Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) in his Senate bid against incumbent Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.). 
“It’s not just not supporting a North [Dakota] Republican congressman running against Heitkamp … it’s actually that they are supportive, and they have put out thanks yous to Heitkamp. They have paid money to bolster Heitkamp’s name ID,” Loyd said. 
Americans for Prosperity launched an ad campaign last month thanking Heitkamp for helping pass legislation relaxing regulations under the Dodd-Frank law. 
Trump invited Heitkamp to the legislation’s signing event at the White House. 

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