Gravel praises Warren over policy, but warns she would be ‘willing to compromise’

Former Democratic presidential candidate Mike Gravel praised Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) over her ambitious policy proposals, but warned that she would be willing “compromise” if she wins the White House in 2020.

“With respect to Warren, I think she’s got some excellent, excellent positions,” Gravel, a former Alaska senator who has endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), told Hill.TV in an interview that aired on Tuesday.

However, he added that the Warren “would be prepared to compromise once in power.”

Gravel didn’t specify which Warren positions he admires  or detail his concerns about compromises, but did argue that both she and Sanders share a disadvantage when it comes to issues including foreign policy.

“Tulsi [Gabbard] is better than Bernie in that regard,” he said. “The others aren’t even in the race.”

Gravel’s comments come after Warren unveiled a comprehensive new plan to get rid of “big money” in politics. Warren, who has made transparency a centerpiece of her campaign, said the plan would ban presidential candidates from accepting corporate PAC money and require them to disclose their major donors. 

Warren is heading into Tuesday night’s Democratic presidential debate as the frontrunner in the primary race after leapfrogging former Vice President Joe Biden in several early nominating states like New Hampshire as well as in a handful of national polls. 

However, a Morning Consult poll released on Monday found that Biden still boasts an 11-point lead over Warren nationally. Thirty-two percent of likely Democratic primary voters back Biden, compared to 21 percent of those who support Warren.

The Massachusetts senator also outpaced Biden in third-quarter fundraising, bringing in roughly $9 million more than the former vice president.

—Tess Bonn

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