Securing the Grid: Preparing for Cyber & Physical Threats

Vulnerabilities in the security of the U.S. power grid — from the high-profile attack on a California substation to ongoing cyber incursions — has made protecting the grid a key policy issue for both the security and energy communities. Recent hacking incidents against major retailers, Hollywood, and the military’s social media accounts are only increasing concerns about the ability to protect America’s critical systems.

On Wednesday, February 4, The Hill hosted a forum on grid resiliance and security. Leaders from Congress and the Obama Administration discussed the role new energy technologies are playing in modernization, as well as steps for protecting a 21st Century power grid.





Senator JAMES RISCH (R-ID), Chairman, Senate Subcommittee on Energy

Congressman ED WHITFIELD (R-KY-01), Chairman, House Subcommittee on Energy & Power

PATRICIA HOFFMAN, Assistant Secretary, Office of Electricity Delivery & Energy Reliability, U.S. Department of Energy

STEVEN KUNSMAN, Vice President, Business Development & Marketing, Power Sytems Automation & Communications, ABB, Inc.


Hosted & Moderated By:

BOB CUSACK, Editor in Chief, The Hill

JULIAN HATTEM, Staff Writer, The Hill


Sponsored By:

ABB Inc.


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