Campaign Polls

Poll: Gillum, DeSantis in statistical tie in Florida governor’s race

Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum (D) is in a statistical tie with Republican Ron DeSantis in a new poll of their governor’s race.

The NBC News/Marist survey, which was released on Monday, found that 50 percent of likely voters surveyed favored Gillum, while 46 percent supported DeSantis, a former U.S. congressman.

The 4-point margin falls within the margin of error of 5 percentage points for likely voters. 

The results are similar to a survey NBC News released in September, which showed that Gillum held a 5-point advantage among likely voters polled. 

Gillum has a 5-point lead over DeSantis among registered voters, according to the new poll.{mosads} 

NBC News notes that Gillum is viewed favorably by 48 percent of the poll’s respondents. Meanwhile, 43 percent of respondents said they viewed DeSantis favorably. 

Fifty-seven percent of likely voters who identified themselves as independents favored Gillum, while 37 percent said they support DeSantis. 

Gillum holds a 3.2-point lead over DeSantis, according to a RealClearPolitics average of recent polling.

The new poll comes just a day before the general election for a governor’s race that has received national attention. 

President Trump was in Florida on Saturday to boost support for DeSantis. His visit came a day after former President Obama visited the state to gin up support for Gillum and other Democratic candidates on the ballot this year. 

The NBC News/Marist survey was conducted between Oct. 30 and Nov. 2 among a population of 917 registered voters and 595 likely voters.

Its margin of error for registered voters is 4.1 percentage points. The margin of error for likely voters is 5 percentage points.