
Ross tweets about tantalizing town hall

Looking for something to do after work? Rep. Mike Ross (D-Ark.) has a suggestion.

Ross is holding a tele-town hall this evening at 7 p.m. CDT (8 EST) on healthcare reform legislation.

Town hall meetings, of course have been sweeping the country during the August recess, with many lawmakers facing down angry constituents over healthcare reform. Many lawmakers, though, have opted for the more managed setting of the tele-town hall, where operators can control speakers’ ability to talk, and line up callers in a queue.

Ross tweeted about his meeting:

Join me TONIGHT on my 5th telephone town hall this year at 7:10pm. Call 1-877-269-7289 and use the PIN 14573. http://bit.ly/3KHxZa

Lest you think that the town hall may not be a productive use of time this evening, keep this in mind: Ross has one of the key centrist Blue Dog Democrats negotiating for a compromise on healthcare reform legislation in the House. His take on the bill could be a make-or-break indicator over the fate of the bill once lawmakers return to Washington in September.