
Grassley tweet: Bernanke must prove independence to earn my vote

The Senate Finance Committee’s ranking Republican Chuck Grassley (Iowa) took to Twitter late Wednesday night to lay out the criteria Federal Reserve chairman Benjamin Bernanke must meet in order to secure his vote for a second term.

The fifth-term senator said that Bernanke must prove his independence from the economic stimulus programs approved by President Barack Obama and the Democratic Congress.

Obama nominated Bernanke on Monday to serve another four years as Fed chairman. The Senate now must decide whether or not to confirm Bernanke.

Grassley tweeted:

In order for Bernanke to earn my vote for second term he will hv to show me he is not joined at the hip w Treasuryie buyin fed debt/4stimlus

The Iowa Republican’s tweet underscores the criticism Bernanke is likely to face at his confirmation hearings: that he has extended the power of the Fed too far beyond its role in regulating the monetary supply.

President George W. Bush first nominated Bernanke for the Fed chairmanship in 2006. The Senate confirmed him by a voice vote.