
Clunkers, healthcare Twitter trending topics

After a day when both hot button issues generates headlines, the “Cash for Clunkers” auto rebate program and healthcare reform are trending topics on Twitter.

Trending topics indicate the most popular subjects on the microblogging site. “Clunkers” is the topic for the auto program and the hashtag #hc09 is the health topic. The two are the seventh and eighth most popular topics respectively.

News broke today that the “Cash for Clunkers” program will end on Monday when the additional $2 billion Congress allocated to the program will expire.

The program originally ran short of funds just before Congress broke for August recess, but the upper chamber swiftly approved more funds for the program and the president signed it into law.

President Obama also appeared at an Organizing for America healthcare strategy session today and solicited questions from Americans via Twitter under the aforementioned hashtag.