
Mich. GOPer: Obama ‘holding back’ info from Congress on Gitmo move

One of the most strident critics of the Obama administration’s plan to transfer Guantanamo Bay prisoners to the U.S. mainland accused the White House of “holding back” information from Congress regarding the move.

Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-Mich.), the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, took to Twitter on Thursday to criticize the Obama administration for not being forthcoming:

Heading to Standish, Mi. Public forum on moving Gitmo detainees there. Obama administration holding back info from Congress on the move.

After news broke that the White House selected facilities in Michigan and Kansas, the soon-to-be-shuttered Standish (Mich.) prison and Fort Leaveanworth, Kan., as potential sites that could house the suspected terrorists, several members of those states’ Congressional delegations protested the idea.

Hoekstra on Tuesday testified before the Michigan state Senate Judiciary Committee in an effort to halt the move. But some in the town of Standish want the Gitmo detainees there to save the jobs of residents who work at the penintentary.